Singing Guide: Chase & Status

Singing Guide: Chase & Status

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Chase & Status are a British electronic music duo whose music blends elements of drum and bass, dubstep, and rock. Their unique vocal technique involves a fusion of hard-hitting, energetic beats with emotive and powerful vocals.

Chase & Status' music often features layered harmonies, intricate melodies, and a distinctive use of vocal sampling. To learn how to sing like Chase & Status, there are several practical steps you can take.

First, it's important to develop your range and vocal control. Singing exercises like those found in Singing Carrots' Pitch Training section can help you improve your pitch control, agility, and accuracy. You can also use the Vocal Range Test to get a sense of your vocal range and where you might want to focus your training efforts.

In addition to honing your fundamentals, it's also vital to work on your breath support and overall vocal health. Breathing basics and breath support articles and videos found on Singing Carrots' blog can provide you with the tools and techniques you need to support your singing effectively. This will enable you to hit those high notes with power and precision.

To fully emulate the distinctive vocal style of Chase & Status, it’s recommended to incorporate elements of diaphragmatic singing. This technique emphasises the sudden, sharp intake of breath to provide a punchy, staccato character to your vocals. Combined with Chase & Status' powerful beats, this technique can create a sound that truly stands out.

Finally, to better understand the music of Chase & Status, Singer Carrots can help you create a performance set and find songs matching your vocal range, like the duo’s iconic tracks “Blind Faith” and “End Credits”.

In summary, to learn how to sing like Chase & Status, you should focus on improving your basics (breathing, range, accuracy), incorporate unique vocal techniques (diaphragmatic singing), and create a performance set that highlights their music. Singing Carrots' resources and tools can provide you with the knowledge and instruction you need to get there.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.